Police Murder
I struggled to title this post. "Fuck the Police" was my initial choice, but it is too simplistic. The issue is far beyond all police officers being racist pigs. I wish it was that simple. The reality is far more intricate, invisible and repulsive. While it is undeniably true that many police officers are racist and crocked and that the profession itself will tend to draw power-hunger, hateful people, many cops sincerely want to help people when they sign up for the job. The racism in our country can be seen in the split-second decisions to murder Black people. Some police definitely kill Black people on purpose, but I think that many pull the trigger multiple times due to a nameless fear that has been bread into them since they were children: Black people are dangerous. This fear is honed and made explicit in the way we train and police our communities. PLEASE READ The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander . Everyone should know the history and current state of our "justi...