Political Correctness, Segregation & Capitalism PART 5

Capitalism Not only were we isolated from and in denial of reality, we were busy working. Distraction is, perhaps, capitalism's greatest evil. We are too busy to notice other people, and if we can’t see, we can’t care. If we can’t care, we won’t act. Who had time to worry about people we couldn't see, people we didn't want to believe existed, when there was a mortgage to pay and the kids were dying their hair green and smoking pot? How could I focus on others when teenage angst was taking over and my number one priority was to move out of my parent's house? I needed money to do that, so I worked whenever I wasn’t in school. It didn't help that no one at school was addressing contemporary issues, which could have opened my eyes to the suffering around me. We focused on what seemed like ancient history: the Civil Rights Movement and the unique manifestation of midcentury racism. No one taught us about the structural, legal and institutionalized racism that was happe...